Interview Experiences
NMIMS Interviews
2022 NMIMS
TBH I don’t remember my WAT topic.
For PI
There 3 member 2 professors & 1 alum ( I guessed she had a work ex technology sector of Bank )
Q1. introduction .
Q2. Why NMIMS ?
Q3. They asked any recent news you have read .
Q4. Explain AI , Blockchain to a layman. ( Alum)
Q5. They asked me about some recent government policy. (alum)
2022 NMIMS
1. Introduction
2. What do you like to do in your free time?
3. 2 projects that you are proud of working at your job?
4. 1 good thing and 1 bad thing that your manager will tell about you?
5. blr has a lot of traffic, what would you suggest to improve it?
6. CEO of Google and Microsoft
7. What all options do you have?
Interview panel was very friendly. Interview time lesser than 10 mins.
2022 NMIMS
2022 NMIMS
2022 NMIMS
2022 NMIMS
2022 NMIMS
2022 NMIMS
2022 NMIMS
2022 NMIMS

2022 NMIMS
PI: Mostly related to workex and projects
Tell me about yourself
About my native
Favorite subject in graduation
How will you add value to the class
2022 NMIMS
SCORE: 248 (87%,82%, 8.63) Fresher, Electrical Engineer
The Interviewers were extremely friendly.
Q. So, you’re a fresher engineer right? Give me one reason why we should choose you over someone who’s having some work experience.
– (felt a bit rattled as my first question) Well don’t. Choose me over someone who’s a fresher.
(Started laughing)
Q. What would you bring to the table at NMIMS, give us one reason to choose you.
– Well I have nothing else to bring other than what I have studied in my engineering, add to that some few perspectives that I gained from reading.
Q. What perspectives have you gained?
– So for instance, I learnt how Internet is messing up with our minds from The Shallows: What Internet Is doing to our brains by Nicholas Carr. (I tried deviating them to my favourite book)
Q. Give me three ways how is it messing up.
– First, it is decreasing our attention spans.
– Second, the author coined this term neuroplasticity to explain how our behaviours are getting affected by our Internet usage. Take blogs for instance, before the rise of Internet, we could read the whole book in a single sitting. The invention of hyperlinks creates an impulse to click it and we get deviated to a whole different article.
(They tried interrupting but I went on explaining) Say you’re reading about something else and you see a hyperlink on the word ‘fiscal policy’ you’ll feel a need to click on it if you won’t be knowing about it.
Q. What is neuroplasticity?
– ( I started facing difficulties) It is the tendency of the synapses to restructure themselves.
Q. What are synapses?
– couldn’t answer.
Q. You do seem like a sound individual. You mentioned that you’re an avid reader, do you follow news?
– yes
Q. What’s up with the Ukraine?
– answered
Q. Why?
– answered
Q. What is NATO?
– answered National Atlantic Treaty Organisation instead of North Atlantic… :’)
Interviewer 2 takes charge:
Q. So, don’t mind me if I cut you short in between your answers, I’m impressed by the way you’ve dressed yourself. Please get a little far from the camera please. Perfect, now, I am disappointed by you graduation scores (8.63/10), give me why should we consider taking you with so low graduation scores, this shows you’re not academically sound. Do you have a say on this?
– (rattled again) Sir I can answer that. I cracked BITS PILANI for my desired branch, but decided not to go ahead due to some reasons. As far as the graduation scores are concerned, I was working on my business plan and preparing for CAT and other entrances and that was my first priority.
Q. So why MBA right after graduation, why not after working for a few years?
– Having a technical work experience won’t help me achieve any milestone for the business venture that I want to purse. I want some managerial work experience and I won’t get it with this qualification.
Q. Tell me what a manager does.
– couldn’t answer that properly, (being in a hurry, he decided to move ahead anyway)
Q. So you mean to say managerial positions are better than any other roles, right?
– Absolutely not, sir.
Q. Have you heard of the firm McKinsey?
– Yes
Q. Do you know that majority of the works taken by the firm are taken on some xyz basis?
– I don’t, sir
Q. Okay, my last question, you mentioned fiscal policy in one of your statements. Do you know what fiscal policy measures were taken by the government today?
– There were discussions around that RBI was going to increase the reverse repo rate by 0.5 basis point but they decided not to do so, probably because they’re focusing more on GDP than inflation. (Didn’t know if this was a fiscal policy measure or a monetary policy measure but I decided to vomit it nevertheless)
2022 NMIMS
2022 NMIMS