IIM Indore, Kozhikode, Shillong
Interview Experiences
Kozhikode 1 pm slot Chennai
- Tell me about yourself..
- Why not a job for a year or two? They tried to convince me that MBA is a bad option for a fresher.
- They asked about automation in IT.
- RBI governors and foreign affairs ministers’ names.
My experience of the IIMK selection process
27.02.18 morning batch
(WAT/GD time – 15 mins each)
Two panelists. They took our interviews too.
- Did not ask any conventional HR questions or academics.
- Asked me about the difference between administration & management and BBA & BBM as soon as I entered (me being a BBA graduate),
- No. of students in SRM, Revenue of SRM (asked me to calculate it right there), went on with some news from Bihar that happened two-three days ago (apparently
- I am from UP and you should know {as stated by them}), asked about CM of UP and his reforms.
- I told about the latest news of the installation of CCTV and strict invigilation to avoid malpractices, so they cross-questioned about it if he’ll lose votes n stuff like that.
- Came back again on the revenue, gave me a notepad and pen to calculate it.
- Spent a lot of time questioning how I am calculating and why (asked about weighted average in between). I could not come up with a final value (because there are too many depts and schools under SRM. I tried to convince them that it isn’t possible this way but they were adamant).
- Asked me to leave after that.
IIM Kozhikode interview experience, final year mech engineer at VIT, Vellore
Two panelists, one male (P1) one female (P2). I was the last one to be interviewed
P1: So how are you? Been waiting long. What was the review of the panel given by other candidates?
P1: Do you have a job offer?
(Have one in an analytics company)
What is predictive analysis? What is prescriptive analysis? What is ETL in data terms? What techniques are used to do the predictive analysis?
P2: What are the types of energy? How is solar energy different from light energy? What is internal energy? How is it different from kinetic?
P1: Which energy type is it which is used by us to do daily activities?
P1: You said something about digitization during the GD. Explain more (quite a few follow-up questions on my answers)
P2: The equator passes through which all countries?
Which are the districts adjoining Chennai? (interview Centre was Chennai)
Tell me something about Vellore. What is it famous for?
P2 : Why is West Bengal called West Bengal when it is in the eastern part of India?
Why is Punjab called Punjab? (answered)
Tell the names of the 5 rivers
Is India a federal or a non-federal nation?
Why is it federal?
Okay thank you and all the best
IIM Kozhikode
- About myself and follow up questions.
- Work experience related questions (a lot of follow up, questions were asked within every 5 to 10 seconds without giving time to think)
- As I am from Tamilnadu, TN politics-related questions.
- Questions about college
Overall, they are totally friendly.
IIM Kozhikode
PI: 2 faculties (1 lady & 1 gentleman)
- The guy started grilling on my academic records.
- Why 12th marks are low?
- If math was ur weakness why did you pick up mechanical engineering?
- He said that he is getting paid to literally stress you out! I smiled and carried on
- Slowly they moved towards my work experience.
- Where I dominated and the interviewer asked me to link AI, MACHINE LEARNING, BLOCKCHAIN to power plant production ( since I work in machine learning and have a mechanical background).
- The guy was trying to mock me and laugh for whatever answer I give, but it ended up being a good conversation! I asked about the student group Abakus which discusses technological advancements. He said they are all student driven group it is their responsibility we don’t interfere in anything! I tried to convince students like me will add value to those clubs! Finally shook hands and left with a big smile.
IIM Shillong PI experience
A. So where are you from?
Me. Sir Uttrakhand
A. Tell me about the disaster that happens a few years ago there
Me. Told a bit about the Kedarnath disaster and lack of planning in the relief process.
A. Asked some questions regarding the interim budget.
Me. Told
A. Why Mba?
Me. Told
A. (Some questions about marketing, product, commodities, Marketing Mix, need, want, etc)
Me. Told some of them
A. Have you heard about CPEC
Me. Told what about China-Pakistan economic corridor.
B. Asked mostly from Academics i.e. Surveying, contours, etc.
Me. (Not my strong area so told just what I knew)
B. Have candy and all the best.
My IIM K interview experience – 12 Feb 2018
So you are from AP board. Why everyone from your board have good 10th and 12th scores?
Fiscal deficit projection?
Which coaching institute Time or CL?
Chief Minister of Puducherry?
Chief Minister of Delhi?
Why Delhi has Chief Minister even though it is UT?
How many states are there in India?
How many parts were erstwhile UP divided?
Current Finance Minister?
Previous Finance Minister?
Hobbies and last book read.
My IIM K experience:
PI, 2 panelists (1 male, 1 female):
1. Tell me something about yourself
2. Why MBA? You do B. Ed and teach
3. Why HR? You don’t know anything about management then why would you do an MBA?
4. Have you been to Kerala? Where is Kozhikode?
5. What is South of Kozhikode? What is North of Kozhikode? Your geography is very weak
6. Tell me about the recent airstrikes? How do you know what you’re saying is true? Do you just believe whatever anyone says? Is this how you did the research?
7. Should the airstrikes have been done? Why is retaliation necessary? The world would be so much better violence. You are saying we should disrupt the peace of the world and everyone should throw bombs at each other.
Thank you, you may leave
Date: 27 Feb AN Slot
IIM Indore Interview call
Venue: Bangalore
Work:1 year at CTS, 1 year at Digital marketing
Friendly panel… Had a conversation than an interview…
1) They had the list of all calls I had…. They asked how many interviews were over and how it went…
2) They also asked my attempt count at CAT and
What I like about CAT as an exam as it was an easy exam according to them…
3) Why shift from CTS?
4) What do you do in SEO and a bit on page rank algorithm…
5) What work do you do and follow-ups
6) Extempore: Social media makes people go crazy…
No introduction… They directly went to questions and follow-ups…
IIM Indore WAT PI experience :
Btech civil – 1.8 years Exp in KPMG
Extempore – Fascism
PI questions:
1. Where are you from?
2. Why are coarse aggregate and fine aggregate used in concrete?
3. Why are they used on roads?
4. What is the area of the rhombus?
5. How can you prove the area of the rhombus is half d1 d2?
6. What is the area of the triangle? How can you prove it?
7. How are supreme court judges in India selected? They themselves answered that it was by the president before I starting to answer and then asked me what controls can we put in place to ensure there is no corruption?
8. What is fascism?
No general questions, no work exp questions.
IIM Indore, 30 min, Last member
- Didn’t ask about yourself or why MBA.
- What work do you do in Infosys?
- The favorite mechanical subject?
- Stress-strain curve.
- Work hardening, Non-destructive testing
- Normal curve.
- Apart from work and stuff, do you follow the news?
- What’s happening currently? Said about AAP.
- What happened between the US and Israel recently. Said about Kurdish conflict.
Extempore on engineers are pillars of development.
2022 IIM K
2022 IIM I

2022 IIM K
2022 IIM I

2022 IIM S
2022 IIM I
2 M panelist
Tell me about your self.
Eloborate your job role.
Discussion over my job role.
Discussion over cloud computing.
Tell me recent trends.
Discussion over IOT
Discussion over AI
Discussion over ML
13 – 15 mins
2022 IIM I
2022 IIM I
IIM K – panel one – 1 p.m slot.
- Introduce yourself.
- Why MBA
- About Work Experience.
- How many districts in Tamil Nadu?
- History of Dravida party, Annadurai, Periyar.
- Demography of Brazil.
- The fastest-growing country in terms of population.
- Flemming’s left and right-hand rule.
- What is fiscal stimulus etc.
IIM Kozhikode Interview afternoon slot
- PI: ( 2 panelists )
- P1: Tell me about yourself.
- P1: Why did you move to Chennai from the north?
- P1: Why do you want to do an MBA without experience? You won’t be able to do case studies without experience.
- P1: Who is a role model?
(I said Sunder Pichai) - P2: Why?
- P2: What was his project?
- P1: Why was he promoted to the post of CEO?
- P2: Why companies acquire other companies?
- P2: How is Nokia performing?
- P1: Major subject?
- P1: Formulae related to salesman problem?
- Turing machine?
- IoT in healthcare?
- Major challenges?
- P2: What is CCI?
- The case related to google?
- P1: How are Rajya Sabha members elected ?
- P1: Who is the president of Canada?
- Head of the state for India?
- P2: What is a money bill?
Most of the time I was cut before finishing my answer.
IM Indore interview, venue: Chennai, Time:09:00
3 member in the panel
Tell me about yourself?
(I mentioned movies as my hobby)
which movie awarded the most Oscars this year?
Best director oscar?
The Indian equivalent of oscar
Classification of movies
How movies are awarded
Then he gave some problems to solve.
Asked about the perfect number
A corollary of Fibonacci series
Ramanujam magic square
Asked question on probability
What is the opposite of introverts?
Why do you call yourself an introvert?
what would you say a junior when he asks about how to overcome introverted nature and speak with people? (I said I am an introvert in my introduction)
Panel member 2 comes next
What are RTI and RTE?
How can one use RTI?
Can private organizations be questioned under RTI?
What is GDP?
Asked percentage
What is a budget?
What is a fiscal deficit?
Benton some neighboring countries of India?
Their capitals?
Panel member 3
(i am n ECE major)
What is coulomb?
What is eddy current?
Why it is called eddy current?
Effects of eddy current?
Effect of eddy current on a transformer?
Why is it a loss in a transformer?
Demorgans laws?
Universal gates? why are they called so?
Different layers of the atmosphere?
Up to which layer can airplanes fly? why so?
Height up to which airplanes can fly?
Gave 30 seconds time to think and speak on the topic for 2 minutes
Topic: state of creative expression in India
Why MBA? (mentioned a book called ‘The one minute manager so asked some questions on it)
What is your greatest strength?
How do you think that you will survive the diverse pool of people in an IIM?
What is your greatest achievement?
Why can’t you go on with your engineering?
Wished me good luck.
overall the interview was comfortable. They want to make sure that you are good enough in general things and the things you mention as hobbies.
IIM Kozhikode
11th Feb 2019 FORENOON
- Tell me about yourself something we don’t know.
- What are your goals?
- About my paper presentations(lengthy discussion).
- Why MBA?
- How will it help your goals?
- Mean, median, mode, and their practical use cases.
- Prediction for LS election and justify it.
- The number of LS seats.
- How many did BJP win last time
Just got done with my interview.
My profile- Electrical engineering graduate with 2+ yrs of experience with Deloitte consulting.
They drilled me on electrical engineering, power electronics and other areas.(most of which I wasn’t able to answer) So would encourage preparing engineering related subjects. They are asking specifics on contribution of some scientists in your engineering specialization.
Didn’t ask me anything on my work experience- just asked me to tell them what I do during a day.
Then moved on to current affairs. Asked about the local literature, politics, movies or fav film directors etc of the state you belong to.
Then asked me why I want to pursue MBA. (Answered)
Asked if I had any questions for them ? And that’s all.
All the best guys!
IIM Kozhikode
B.Com, 1-year Experience
1. What does your name mean? (5 min discussion)
2. Why did you pick the Commerce stream and not the science?
3. Why did you quit your job? (I quit EY in May 2019 after working for a year)
4. What is Capital Asset Pricing Model? Components of CAPM?
5. What is the Weighted Average Cost of Capital?
6. About my volunteering work – what I did and what kind of role I played there.
7. What do you know about the Delhi elections?
8. What other calls do you have?
They were very chill, few HR questions, in the beginning, to make me comfortable, then-current affairs questions like.
- How religions will be affected after corona?
- Trump’s strategy for the coming US elections after failing to control corona.
- Which all country’s economies gain from the corona ( Related questions ).
- I’m from Kerala, so questions on Kerala like, how your tourism industry is affected by corona?
- Which all other sectors are affected?
- Steps to be taken by the government to protect the tourism industry,
- How NPA’s will be affected
- Should they try to bring more liquidity into the system
- Then a few specific Academics questions and also related to work ex. Around 15-20mins
IIM Indore wat pi experience:
GEM, civil engineer, 1.7 years exp, 1 years in sales and remaining in market research.
1. When a set of cards are laid out and opened one after the other, what is the probability that 2 of clubs is the card next to A spade?
2. Evaluate e^(i*pi)
3. Wrote down a series and asked to identify the nth term, asked if it was a convergent or divergent series.
4. A banner has to be erected at a windy hill top, which is to be read by people travelling along the roads by the hill. How should the banner be stabilized so that it doesn’t fall off?
Asked me what I read in the newspapers, I said economics.
5. Define recession? Are we currently in a recession? Is there a possibility of recession? What can cause a recession?
6. Extempore topic- stagflation
IIM Indore
Duration: 30 mins
- The interview started with tell me about yourself.
- I had mentioned hobby as reading so follow up questions were on that
Such as favorite author, why that author. - Then they gave a topic for extempore
“Reservation for women does not guarantee their empowerment”
Opinion about reservation to economically weak sections. - Location of Poland
- Subjects from colleges.
- Asked about them in-depth, then asked the favorite subject
(I am from computer science)
They were very focused on academics. Asked a lot about academics.
2022 IIM K
2022 IIM K
panel(2 male)
B.Com fresher
CS executive
Where are you from
*Checks graduation marks
Why CS career
Do you follow stock market
What is PE ratio
Repeated questions on why CS, why IGNOU
Question about the gap year in academics
Role of IMF
Difference between NPV and IRR
Recent world news that caught your attention
2022 IIM K
2022 IIM I
2022 IIM K
2022 IIM K