Interview Experiences

IIM CAP (New IIMs) Interview

I had my CAP interview today
Date: 11th Feb morning session
I’m a fresher

Interviewer : Tell me about yourself?
Me: Started telling (Interrupted in 10 seconds)
Interviewer: Tell me something related to management
Me: Told
Interview: Your favorite subject?
Me: E-commerce

Me : Told
Interviewer: Technical CSE related questions and projects
Interviewer : Tell me something going on in the world
Interviewer : How are AR and VR going to affect E commerce?
Me: Fumbled and told
Interviewer: Difference between data analytics and AI?
Interviewer :You can leave

The panel was chill. Went through my each and every certificate.
Was over in 10-12 minutes

They are asking for Resume as no other Profile form has been filled so kindly carry a print out of latest Resume

1. Something not in Resume
2. Acads and favorite subject – explain software lifecycle models and difference between Waterfall/Agile
3. About activities and most questions were based on Resume (what is IOT, hobbies and public speaking, etc)
4. Extempore – Cashless Economy – Is society ready for transformation?
5. Why MBA ?
6. Long term goal
7. Any recent current Affairs about Gujarat (gujarati) and West Bengal (hometown)
8. Follow up questions on the answers I gave.

15 minute Interview, Q and A type. No disruption or stress particularly.

PI at IIM Trichy for CAP

Two members panel, a male – P1 and a female – P2
P1: Asked about my name.* Goes through all my documents*
Me: Explained about my name and internet name and why I chose that name.
P1: Laughed So tell me about yourself which not there in the resume.
Me: I rephrased my answer since everyone before me were only given 15-20 seconds to answer if they start with the typical structured way of answering. I answered about my sports and other extracurricular achievements.
P1: So that explains why you didn’t score well in your graduation.
Me: Told them a prepared answer. Seemed like they were convinced.
P1: What is GIT and why is it an open source?Based on my resume
Me: answered.
P1: What is the difference between GIT and GITHUB?
Me: answered.
P1: Who created GIT?
Me: Answered:
P1: He is also famous for?
Me: Answered.
P1: What is the difference between HTML4 and HTML5.
Me: Answered.
P1: What is bootstrap?
Me: Answered.
P1: What are the other libraries that you know in Javascript.
Me: Told a few but he didn’t followup with any questions.
Being quite for so long now P2 starts questioning.
P2: Why MBA?
Me: Told them the answer that I prepared.
P2: I’m not convinced with your answer.
Me: Tried convincing her but she kept cross questioning.
P2: Still not convinced, anyway why did you quit your last job?
Me: Answered.
P2: What is happening with the environmental issue followup question from tell me about yourself
Me: Spoke about Paris climate change summit.
P1: Extempore 2 minutes to think and talk – Bullet Train in India.
Me: Spoke until they asked me to stop.
P2: Okay Ashwin you may leave.
Me: Thanked them and left.


Location- IIM Trichy Centre, Chennai.

2 panelist (p1=1M, p2=1F)

P2- please sit. Your score in 10th is good and grad is fine but why is it low in 12th.

P2- Ohh so u are a fresher. Tell me something about your final year project.
Me- explained

P1- U did a case study on cryptocurrency. Please explain.
Me- did.

P1- Is bitcoin a legal tender?

P1-Should india legalise it?
Me – explained.

P2-tell us about your extracurriculars.
Me- Told.

P1-Now, I will give u a topic and u will have 10 secs to think and then 2 mins to speak.

P1- Should Income tax be abolished?

Then I mistakenly mentioned NPS and presented it as an example for schemes that gov has introduced.

P1- Why did U mention NPS? Tell us something about NPS.

Me- Told them about NPS.

P1- Okay, U can go and U can have a chocolate.

I picked one and left.

2nd in panel 2
The interviewers were chilled
P1:Since you are from software field can you tell me the software interactions between India and US
Told them what I know
P1: Do you agree to this protectionism?(I told them about Indian people working there and the US people’s opinion on it)
Told them my views
P2: Let’s say , a bike costs around 60k, and suddenly i raise the price to 120k, without any value addition, what wil the reaction of public be?
Told them that they won’t probably buy.
P2: Then if I get employ local labour who works for higher wages comparitively, the price will go.So expect prices to come down, but the company cannot do it?
Told them my view.
P1: So let us say You are the government, And there is a problem of construction workers from other state, How will you manage?
Told them.
P1: So how do you propose to implement it, What is the population of India
Told them (this was wrong, factually)
P1: What is the population of TamilNadu?
Told them I dont know
P2 pointed out that I had got an A in TQM…
P1: So what is TQM?
told them
P1: What is six sigma?
I din know.
P2: You have got A here, and you don’t know. Okay do you know about AI?
I told them
P1: What is the difference between Machine Learing and AI?
Told them
P2: Have you experienced AI?
I told them no.
P2: Have you travelled in Train?
I told him yes.
P1: Have you booked tickets using Irctc?
I told him no and I book it from a family friend who works in railways.
P2: Apart from that what do you do?
I told him I watch tv series.
P1: what series? English?
I told him game of thrones
P1: over to him…(laughing)
P2: What is the words of House Lannister?
Told him the correct one
P2: Then what is the words of House Stark?
Told him “winter is coming”
P2: Just because you think you know it and other person does not know it, will you say anything? it’s not ‘winter is coming’.
I said i am sure.
P2:OK you may go.
Finally before leaving I asked him apart from all this, what is the words.
He didnot tell…

CAP Call
Background – Software Engineer 2.5 years work ex, BTech CSE
1. Tell me about yourself
2. College VC name and history
3. Work role and responsibilities (e-commerce based)
4. e-commerce restrictions and anti competitive behavior
5. Why MBA
6. Hobbies and other extra curricular activities

1. Tell me something about yourself
2. What kind of work did you do in your job?
3. Whats your favourite subject in college?
4. Why do assets and liabilities always have to tally?
5. How do you calculate break even point of a manufacturing company or any other company for that matter?
6. What is Dupont model?
7. What value do you bring to a college?
8. If our college had absolutely no committees what committee would you form and why?
9. Which specialised subjects would you choose in your 2nd year?
10. Do you have any questions for us?
[1:43 PM, 2/12/2020] TB19 Akhil J Palakeel: Background – Commerce Graduate , Work Ex – One Year ( Tax Analyst , Ernst and Young )

—-Started with where i am from ( Tirupati) and about the temple. Asked if it is justifiable that people are donating huge amount of gold and cash for temples. Asked If I would also be doing the same.
—-Then they asked about the AP politics and capitals.
—-Asked why Indian Ocean is more used for trade.
—-Asked about indians GDP…said it’s 2.9 lakh crore dollars asked to convert int into billion or trillion…and asked about how many zeros in them.
—About donations given to political parties,.. why do people do such donations.

There wasn’t any tell me about yourself, why MBA, your interests , strengths , weaknessess, no academics related questions.

They just asked how I would manage in bigger cities or in particular at an IIM, as you are brought up in the same place since beginning.

2022 CAP IIMs

1. You are pursuing an internship in Air India, tell us something about it.
2. What do you think about the privatisation of Air India. Did Tata do the right thing by buying off Air India for 18000 crore?
3. Why MBA?
4. You are quite inclined to philanthropy and extra curriculars, what’s your say on it?
5. Tell me a few unique things about West Bengal.
6. Freedom fighters from West Bengal?
7. Any questions from us?

2022 CAP IIMs

1. How do we call you.what is the meaning of your name
2. Ukraine issue
3. Hijab issue
4. Three golden rules of accounting (as I am a b com background)
5. Which subject do u like
6. As I told commerce they asked me about types of organizations.
7. Three golden rules of accounting
8.What drives andhra economy?
9. Why did u leave bank of baroda and joined career launcher 
10. Bank of baroda provides mba program why u did not join  there and why u want to join in an iim?

2022 IIM Rohtak


Background: CSE
(2 interviewers, 1 male 1 female)
– Introduce Yourself 
– Any Extra curricular activities?
– Any Leadership roles?
-.Show us CAT scorecard, degree cert, Cert of extra-curricular activities (screen share, or physical certs, anything is fine)
-Extempore on the future of IT in India.
-Do you know anything about stats and probability? In a room with 20 people, number of unique handshakes possible..
-Binary value of 15.
-What is the difference between programming languages and Scripting languages?
– What are optical fibres? How do they work?
– You mentioned you are from Rajasthan. Why do we have so little rain in Rajasthan?
Interview lasted for about 15 mins. Both the interviewers were friendly.

2022 IIM Rohtak

Waited for 4.5 hours.
Extempore topic – Freedom is a myth.
Q1. Show us your cat score and the marksheet of last semester. Also tell us two news you’ve seen in today’s newspaper? (I told them about abg shipyard case, they asked me the value of fraud, answered)
Q2. Draw the graph of x^2-2
Q3. You did your engineering from which branch?
Q4. What is a compiler?
Q5. What is DBMS?
Q6. What are the stages of SDLC?
Q7. You are from CSE, how are you not aware? (Told them I’m not)
Q8. Oh sorry you’re from electronics background. What is a flip flop?
Q9. Types of flip flops?
Q10. What is toggle in a flip flop?
Q11. Events organised in TEDxVITVellore?
Q12. You’ve played a lot of cricket, what was your role?

2022 CAP IIMs

Q1 Tell me about your education background? 
Told B.TECH CSE VIT Vellore
Q2 Have done coding in CPP ?
I said I have done coding Java .
Panellist: you must be having idea about CPP.
I told Little bit.
I will try my best to answer .
Q3 what’s is OOPs .
Object orientated programming .
Q4 what were programming languages before OOPs.
Me: Not sure . procedural Programming.
Q5. Difference between CPP & Java.
Me : told about multi inheritance . 
He was disappointed.
Q6. What’s is encapsulated, abstraction & polymorphism ?
Me : explained Abstract to on & polymorphism. Encapsulation I wasn’t able to recall.
Q7. He asked me about why Java is platform independent?
Me : told him about Jvm 
Q8. Which of the Cpp & Java is faster ?
Me : I told CPP .  I told maybe it is due to JVM stuff .
Q9 He asked me to explain it via interpretation &. Compilation .
Me: I wasn’t able to answer it .
Panelist : Can we ask some GK Questions.
Me : Sure . I wil try my best.
 Q10 . full form of IBM .
Me : international Business Machine .
Q11. What are in recently ? 
Ans : I told them about WATSON AI.
Panelist 2 :
Tell me about your Extra circular & Hobbies .
Me : I told about my CLUB & NGO , College feat .
 I told them I am interested Geopolitics & Personal Finance.
Panelist 1 : are you interested History ?
Me : I have read about Cold War , world 2 .
Panelist 1: tell me about world war 1 and how it was started ?
Me : I told him about Arch duke Ferdinand . 
I forgot where Is was from ?(Ans Austria )
Panelist 1 : what were the two parites in world war 1 ?
Me : told about Italy , Germany , Russia one side . FRANCE ENGLAND & US .
Panellist 1 : what was Ottoman Empire ? 
Me : told it was Turkish empire .
Panelist 1 : what were there major role ?
Me : I wasn’t able to answer.
Panelist 1 : last question Give two highlights of the budget?
Me : told about Cap Ex funding increased by 34% & Crypto Taxation .
I was asked to leave . 
Panelist 1 : Specifically said “ ALL THE BEST FOR *OTHER* INTERVIEWS “.

2022 CAP IIMs

Non engg 17 months workex
P1 – 
Tell me about your self?
Tell me what are physical infa structure which are involved when we seach some thing on internet.?
What is DNS?
What is your job role?
What are your daily works in it?
In recent budget what is good for IT sector?
What is semiconductor?
Any recent challenge that you have faced recently.?
Tell me why mba now?
Any moment  in your life that you feel proud of?
In graduation what you did that made your father feel proud?
What are the extracurricular activities that you have done so far?
What is the challenge that you faced in job?
How  did you tackle it?

2022 CAP IIMs

EEE, 24 months work-ex
Panel- 2 Male
Interviewer 1:
1.Tell me about yourself.
2.What is power electronics?
3.Tell about hydrogen fuel cell in power generation
4.Current composition in sources of power generation and how it will change by 2030.
5.Companies involved inpower genration.
6.What is UIDAI? Who is its head?
Interviewer 2:
7.How is your role model?
8.Whatis more important, Perseverance or Resources?
9.What is unique about yourself?
Was a chill interview, the panel were very friendly.

2022 IIM Rohtak

1M; 1F
1) Tell Me About Yourself
2)Extempore on “Management Education In India”
3)Checked Certificates
4) Economics Based Question.
5) Financial Management Question.
6) How many ways to arrange Letters in word “HIPPOPOTAMUS”
7) HRD vs HRM 
8) Repo Rate
9) HRD concepts
10) HRM concpets
11) Questions on Accounting.
12) Achivements
13) END
P.S: Grilled More on Academic Subjects and not even a single question on General Awareness.

2022 IIM Rohtak

Panel: 1M 1F
CAT: 96.32
10/12/Eco honours: 87/86/69.75
Q. Suppose you have been appointed a group to work with. How do you build trust among each other?
1 minute to prep
1 minute to speak
1. What subjects have you studied in graduation?
2. Difference between micro macro and managerial?
3. What economic principles do you use as a manager to make business decisions?
4. What is consumer surplus?
5. What is office elasticity of demand?
6. Law of demand? Examples of commodities that don’t follow it?
7. What is fiscal policy and monetary? Differences?
8. What is reverse repo rate? In India should it be increased or decreased?
9. Who partitioned Bengal?
10. Why is it West Bengal even though it is in the East?
11. Hijab controversy.
12. Budget good and bad points.
Overall 15-20 mins
No grilling
Interviewers were very accommodating.

2022 CAP IIMs

 (2 Panel members : 
B.E CSE – 42 months workex in IT – 20min
1.Tell me about yourself
I am from Hyderabad 
2. Which 3 places would you show us if we visit Hyderabad.
3. Why not Hussain Sagar?
4.Explain abt your role and responsibility in work ex
5.Why MBA and short terms career goals
6.Which state benefitted because of the bifurcation 
7. State emblem
8. PV Sindhu recent victory 
9.Given a chance, which state would you split?
10. Do you think women have safety in India?
11. Why are there very few women entrepreneurs?
12. Who is your role model?
They asked if I was from a CS Background.
13. Tell us about Metaverse
14. How does blockchain work?
15. Would there be any Privacy concerns?
16. Any spl food items Hyderabad is known for other than biryani.
It was a friendly panel.

2022 CAP IIMs

Two Panelists
1. Tell about yourself 
2. No of districts in Tamil Nadu.
3. Assembly seats.
4. Two political parties
5. Ruling party name.
6. Chief Minister
7. Chief Minister’s sister.
8. Job role
9. Call apart from this. Which college would you chose and why?
1. Extra curricular and co curricular achievements.
2. He asked me to answer in the voice of Kamal Haasan throughout the interview.
3. Thermodynamic laws.
He helped me in the third law.
4. Absolute zero.
5. One strength and one weeknes of one of the members in your team. 
6. Steps you have taken to improve him.
Overall: It was very short when compared to the mock interview. They don’t ask me regarding any issues.

2022 IIM Rohtak

Document verification
*Extempore:* about Kumbh Mela – (because I’m from Nashik)
1 minute to prep, 2 minutes speech
– which cities does it occur in?
– rivers through those cities?
– current trends in architecture? Green buildings, vertical forests, RERA act
– architect of IIM Ahmedabad? Louis Kahn and brutalism
– architect of expanded campus of IIM Ahmedabad?
– opinion about riverside construction activities in Haridwar? Drew parallels to Sabarmati riverfront in Ahmedabad
– ISO standards for architecture and construction? Talked about concrete grades in construction
GK rapid fire
– people from Maharashtra to receive Bharat Ratna?
– how many medals did India win in Tokyo Olympics?
– how many medals in hockey?
– which women players won medals?
– who won Nobel prize from India?
No work ex, graduation, extracurriculars, why MBA, HR type questions

2022 IIM Rohtak

Show  your adhar card , Cat score card ,degree, 3 extra curricular certificates
Extempore: military training should be necessary for civilians
What is territorial army
Why didn’t you joined territorial army?
What is pointer?
What is cloud computing?
Cloud service provider?
What is AWS?
Interpreter and compiler?
Write 32 in binary?
What are your hobbies?
Apart from sports do you like reading?
Do you follow economic finance marketing?
Which is biggest IT company by revenue?
What is FAANG  and MAANG?
And recent market news?
What is NSE?
Do you know the functionality of NSE?
Ok well all good. It’s was nice having interaction with you. 
You may leave now.

2022 CAP IIMs

Mechanical , Fresher
Never Asked About Intro , Or Why MBA !
P1: Your From Nagpur ,
There Is A High Speed Railway Project Of  Going To Happen From Mumbai To Ahmedabad , Which Company Is Going To Take The Charge?
P1: Okay , You Know About USSR ,
It’s Full Form.
P2: Left For Something ,
P1 Continued : What Was The Date Of Dissolution Of USSR?
P1: Name Any 5 Countries Out Of 15 Which Came Out Of USSR?
P1:Which Country Out Of Those Would Be Nearest To India?
P1:Let’s Shift To India, Name Ex CM Of All The States Going For Election. Unable To Answer, Then He Asked The 5 States.
P1: Okay Tell Me Neighbouring States Of Maharashtra.
P1:Okay What’s The Highest Point Of Maharashtra ,
Which Mountain Range ?
(P2 Came In)
Okay , You’re From Mechanical Right ,
P2: Laplace Tranform Equation, Write It Down?
P2: Okay Do You Know It’s Application ,
(He Helped Me With Something Related To Space And Time ), Can You Connect?
P2: Okay , Tell Me About Carbon Content In Mild Steel And Stainless Steel?
P2: There’s A Term Called As Eutactic System ; He Wasn’t Satisfied.
Okay, What Are Your Hobbies ?
Chess , Right , What Is Sicilian Defence?
Told About It But Wasn’t Satisfied With The Explanation.

2022 CAP IIMs

( B.Tech IT fresher)
2 panels both male arnd 40s
panel 1:
2.why mba ( tried a lot to pursuade me to takeup job and later mba)
3.what incidents made you to take mba
4.tell about your internship
5.strenghts and weakness you spend free time
7.topics learned in mangmt course( my elective in college)
panel 2:
1.what you learned in macroeconomics ( also my elective)
2.GDP vs GNP, which is better
3.Bad bank
4.Crytocurrency in budget
5.asset vs currency and some followups
6.why only RBI issues currency
7.role of RBI
8.current GDP of India

2022 IIM Amritsar

Two male panelists ( 30s)
1) Asked me 10th, 12th percentage
2) Tell us something about yourself
3) Asked me about my CV and who wrote it
4) Why should we not select you? Give 3 reasons ( some cross questioning)
5) How do you think this interview is going on a scale of 1-10?
6) What is co-relation? Give example
7) What is standard deviation?
8) What is probability?
9) Have you heard about solar alliance ( didn’t know)
Okay thanks, all the best.. you can leave the meeting 
(10-12 mins)
Overall friendly panel

My CAP experience: IIM Trichy
Interviewer: what are you currently doing?
Me: Explained
Interviewer: why low marks in 12 and what did you learn from it?
Me: explained the reason and learning
Interviewer: what did you do in college as extra- curricular
Me: I was VP of SAC as well as other positions like T&P coordinator, magazine editor, CR
Interviewer: what did you do new from your side
Me: I accidentally told I couldn’t do anything new though I had done certain things
Interviewer: why should we take you,you will only take from us and go away
Me: Tried to explain it’s not the case
Interviewer: discuss your essay about why didn’t Metoo came 20 years ago
Me: explained
Interviewer: talk on BIMARU states for 1 min if they are burden on India?
Me: explained
Interviewer: what did you learnt at your workplace?
Me: explained
It was a kind of stress interview for me but accordingly it went well.
Interviewer: what is your biggest strength?
Me: never give up attitude
Interviewer: what will you do if you don’t get selected?
Me: will try again
Interviewer: what skills you want to achieve in Bschool as you see your managers etc
Me: Decision making as I am weak in that
Interviewer: Any questions
Me: I asked the feedback
Male Interviewer: you will get that in your results
Female Interviewer: you didn’t breakup in stressed situation

They asked my resume and went through my certificates

1. Something not in Resume
2. Acads and favorite subject. I said OR. They were asking me which type of problem you like, diff between transportation and assignment problem. What are all methods you know to optimse a solution.
3. About my hobbies.
4. Extempore – Freedom of speech and the state government’s intervention in it.
5. Extracurricular activities.
6. Tell me some international issue which is affecting the international market.

I was one of the last few candidates, so only 10 minutes Interview, Q and A type. No disruption or stress particularly.

WAT/PI – CAP process
Location: IIM Trichy office, Chennai

PI: Two panel members, a male and a female, both pretty experienced (50+ age)

Tell me about your organization.
What is your role there?
What was your major in ug?
Why do you work in a different line now?
What is your passion?
What all extra curricular activities have you taken part in?
Extempore topic: Future of IT industry in India.
Preparation time of 15-30 seconds provided.
Was asked about railways in the interim budget.
Asked about what all interests me in the interim budget.
They ended the interview by asking me whether I had any questions for them.

Overall, it was a pretty interactive PI with most of it based on my profile.

WAT/PI -CAP Process
Location: IIM Trichy office, Chennai
PI: I said it needs to be revamped
Tell me something, not in your resume
Said bike riding as a hobby
Asked the difference between Rider and biker…
Asked my favorite subject
Said Dbms
Asked how will you test that?
Who is the president?
What is big data?
Nothing based on Personal profile…
While leaving he asked me don’t mind what was asked and they were done with me…
Interrupted so many times and asked me to get back to where I left off… Both interviewers were yawning the whole time…
Was the 10th in panel

Tell me about organization, it’s role in India, ur role in organization.
What are types of analytics
Uttarakhand famous for? I mentioned many thing but missed ongc. They were looking for that
Why kashi purchase is famous. Distance btw Dehradun n kashi pur
What is micro grid
No toffee offered

PI: How to pronounce my name and the meaning of my name

How many States and what are the capitals?

Capital of Delhi, Mongolia?


Sing a song(I did not mention anywhere that I know to sing)

Sang a song – asked me the meaning of the song

Asked me to draw a national flag

I don’t know what kind of interview is this

Panel 3

Panel: Where are you from?
Me: Hyderabad
Panel: You did karate in school? When was it?
Me: <Told the year>
<Asked me why I stopped it. The topic went on to IIT coaching and how Andhra Pradesh (and Telangana) are serious about all these coaching institutes.>

Then, I was asked to talk about “Is splitting of states good for the people?”
I talked about it from the perspective of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.
After knowing I was from Telangana, they told me I was biased.
I told them I gathered the facts and presented the argument in an unbiased

Unimpressed Interviewer: You did 10th from ICSE, didn’t you? There’s an elephant in ICSE’s logo. Tell which way it points.
<The world isn’t going to turn upside down if the elephant faces left instead of right.> 😒
Me: Left
<It was right.>

They asked about my work in detail.
Explained. Answered follow up questions.
<No reaction. These people must be earning billions on poker nights.>

Discussion moved on to my college: BITS, Pilani
CM of Rajasthan?
Chancellor of BITS?
I said VC’s name by mistake. Then tried to recall. They showed me his signature on my certificate and asked me to identify him.

Cap interview
Background: Bcom. 1 year work ex

Are you a dude? (They thought my name was a girls name)
Wat is a dude?
Can’t we call girls dude?
Tell me about yourself
Compare Lesotho’s education system with India’s (I studied in that country)
How was Madras Christian College?
I heard a lot of students do weed there, did you?
Favorite subject in UG?
What is transfer pricing?
What is value of rupee against dollar?
Why is it low?
What is difference between fiscal policy and monetary policy
What is special about your hometown?
What is Maramon convention? (Religious gathering next to my town)
What does your name mean?
Which language does it originate from?

Cap experience afternoon slot:

Meaning of name
Introduce yourself
Anything else apart from the introduction
What is your fav subject
Why not turn the table –u ask questions from us
I was asked to Ask a question from current affair
Then a discussion on that topic

CAP WAT/PI Experience:
Venue: IIM Trichy Chennai campus

Background – Bcom Graduate ,Work Ex – 12 months (Tax Analyst)
PI Experience :-
1. Started with what you have studied in Graduation , Then why low marks in Graduation?
2. What is Probability Distribution ?
3. What is MAT (Minimum Alternative Tax )?
4. What is Cost variance analysis ? , why it is calculated ? Is variance analysis useful ?,how it is useful ? and few more related questions ?
5. Talk about some economic issue within 3 months period other than Budget , Survey , Slowdown etc , then many related questions ( Basically argue against our opinion , just try to make our opinion wrong )
6. Suggestions to improve the same economic issue ?

Basically they will make lot of counterargument’s for each of your answer. Also ask related questions and try to put us in trouble . They interrupted me in between and jumped to other questions. Not even a single Accounts or Finance question.

2022 CAP IIMs

Profile: CSE final year 
(Waited for about 1 hour in the waiting room, interview started by 10:30)
2 male interviewers,  aged around 50.
1. What is your grades in 10th, 12th and graduation
2. Tell about your machine learning projects, ML algorithms 
3. Gave me various scenarios and how will I apply my tech knowledge to solve it.
4. What the benefit of yoga?(I had this subject in my 1st year 😅)
5. Gave me various scenarios and how will I integrate my ML and mba knowledge to solve those.
6. About  Indian constitution
7. Probability based some questions 
8. Tell us about ur experience in school and college, cross questioned several times 
9. Tell about your NGO and startup experience
10. Again gave me various scenarios and asked me how to approach the problem.
Wrapped up in 15-20 mins
(The interviewers were friendly,  but they kept interrupting several times between my answers)

2022 CAP IIMs

Profile: Software Engineer for 16 months
1. Where are you currently?
2. Are you liking your job? Are you working from home?
3. What is the meaning of your name?
4. What is OS?
5. Name some OS
6. What is proprietary software?
7. What is open source software?
7. Why MBA?
Lasted hardly for 5 mins

2022 IIM Rohtak

(2 interviewers, 1 male 1 female)
-Show us your graduation Marksheets, co-curricular certificates.
-Extempore on IOT (had to speak for 2 mins).
-What is Deep learning, reinforcement learning.
-How can it be used in IPL.
How does OLA, uber zomato,etc use it.
-How can you integrate ML and IOT, any example?
-DM of Ranchi
-Governor of Jharkhand 
-When was Jharkhand formed, describe the historic struggle for it.
-Russia- Ukraine crisis explain and its impact on the rest of the world.
-Any other calls you have?
Interview lasted for about 17-18 mins. Both the interviewers were friendly.

2022 CAP IIMs

Female and Male panelist (Friendly)
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Difference between LLP, Pvt Ltd company, and Public Ltd company
3. Why you want to leave your startup and go into MBA if you are committed towards your startup?
4. What are the challenges that you are facing in your startup?
5. How MBA will help you in solving these challenges
6. At what stage is your startup?
7. Apart from business what do you read in your free time? (I answered Automobiles)
8. Tell us something about change in automobile market
9. Challenges in EV technology
10. How EV Technology can grow in India?
11. What have you done in extracurriculars and co-curriculars?
12. Show us your certificates 
13. At what level this exam was conducted (related to one of my certificates)
14. Any questions for us?
Duration : 15-20 minutes

2022 CAP IIMs

More like a conversation 
How are you ?
Does automation always helps in testing ?
How it affects the job ?
Govt spending an algorithm do ? Will it be good
Do humans need in it ?
Office location ?
Company competitor ?
Why mba ?
What specialization ? Why not others 
Where you see yourself after 10 years ?
Why you cannot grow in your company?
What is information systems ? How it helps?
Data scientist vs Manager?
About your company corporate ladder?

2022 CAP IIMs

Went very chill
-Where are you currently
-Neighbouring states of Tamilnadu?
Questioning if it’s Andra Pradesh or Telangana
-Difference between ICSE and CBSE
 Answered as marking is more stringent in ICSE
-moved to idea of marks vs knowledge, tried to dissuade me from taking up MBA
-who would you choose between ‘a reputed institute with bad faculty and good placement’ or no reputation institute with good faculty but no placement
-Difference between Turnover, revenue, profit, sales
-what kind of body/organization is ICSI.
-Under which ministry does it come under
-Major finance body of India
-what is repo and reverse repo
-about sea trade of India
-about others calls i had
-Famous CFOs in India
Lasted barely 10-15 mins

2022 CAP IIMs

P1 (Male) and P2 (Male)
– You’re from TN. So if I ask you “Sowkiyama?” (How are you), how would you describe your ans?
– How would you describe yourself
– “Chettiyars” would be found around which area? Ans: Karaikudi
– Economy of karaikudi 
– Economy of thoothukudi
– Which time would be perfect if I want to have a meeting with a person in Seoul?
– Which crisis is affecting share market?
– How India’s economy will be affected because of that?
– Name some trades which would be affected?
– Recent technologies/devices which use RISC 
– Difference in RISC and CISC architecture
– What is flip-flop and design a single input flip-flop
– If I want to travel from Kerala to Jammu in a straight line, what are the states I’ve to cross in between?
– Reason for change in number of union territories

2022 CAP IIM Trichy

Two Male interviewers Middle Aged, One was pissed (from prev interview IG)
Qns came alternating 
1. Tell me about yourself
I mentioned that I work in Enterprise AI 
I said we work on Automation and ML
And one suggestion I am making to you all, just make it very clear that you don’t know a lot about something, unless you have 100% knowledge, not even 99, 100 
 2. Following qns were exclusively about ML, different types of models, difference in them 
3. I see you have statistics in your marksheet, what is regression, some more in depth qns
4. difference between correlation and causation
5. If I have two batsmen and the runs scored by them over so many matches, how will you decide who is the more consistent batsmen using statistics, deviation is NOT the right answer
I made it clear that I work in automation not in ML, so I will be able to answer only 60-70% about ML, but I did not expect them to go to depths of hell
6. Tell me about your extracurricular activities 
7. Who is the CEO of Air India,
8. Asked about some persons name, cannot recall 
9. More questions on statistics 💀

2022 CAP IIMs

-> Introduce Yourself
-> Engineering background has good advantages for a MBA candidate. What are they? 
-> RBi doesn’t open saving accounts why? 
-> Name one private sector bank and diff between public sector and private sector banks
-> What sports you follow? 
-> Who is currently playing India? 
-> SOP based question on leadership roles I have taken 
-> Which specialisation I want to do and why

2022 CAP IIMs

Panel: 2M
CAT: 96.32
10/12/Eco honours: 87/86/69.75
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Eco subjects?
3. What is GNP? Example?
4. Deep dive into Indian economy. Why West Bengal has minimum wage for all sorts of workers? Please explain. (Full 3-4 minutes discussion)
5. What are the perils of becoming a service sector economy and leaving manufacturing and agriculture behind? (5 mins discussion)
6. Who won the Nobel in economics? What work did they do?
7. How do you follow the news?
8. Budget good and bad points.
9. What countries share a border with India?

2022 CAP IIMs

Profile: GEM Fresher.
Waited 2 hours after start time.
P1: Tell us about yourself
Told, I liked math and spoke about an interest in marketing. P1 laughed saying you liked math so you’re doing MBA, we all laughed. 
P1: What skills are needed in marketing
Told about SEO, Data analytics
P1: What is data analytics
Spoke about use of analytics in social media
P1: 3 pros and cons of social media
Over to P2:
P2: What do you want to become
P2: Who is the education minister of Karnataka ( I’m from Karnataka)
Didn’t know
P2: Who is the education minister of India
Didn’t know
P2: Defence minister
P2: How many states and union territories in India
P2: National language
Said Hindi was the official language
Thank you, it was nice talking to you, logged off.
Overall experience: No core questions, no current affairs, very friendly panel. 8 minutes.

2022 CAP IIMs

(2 Panel members : Both male above 30 age)
(B.E ECE – 18mons workex in IT – 15mins)
1.Tell me about yourself
2.Fictional novels – Dan Brown series book names(I mentioned I read his books)
3.Currently reading what book?
4.Explain abt your role and responsibility in work ex
5.Why MBA and short terms career goals
6.Why consulting
7.Current CM of Goa and when it get independence?
8.First and second  president of India – Rajendra prasad and Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan
9.1st Vice president of India – Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan(Didn’t know the answer but one of them gave hint – his bday celebrates as teachers day)
10.CEO of Wipro
11.CEO of Infosys
12.what is cloud computing and API
13.Engg subjects – You have studied about Professional ethics – How important is it in todays world?
14.Can you relate and tell about Ethics issue in Computer science field 
Friendly panel and was very soft spoken

2022 CAP IIMs

(2 Panel members :Female & male around 30 yrs old)
(B.Tech ECM –fresher- duration 15mins)
Panelists had poker face but showed a lot of interest in the answers in general.
1. Tell me something about yourself
2. Asked about my studies abroad and my engineering branch
3. Any co-curriculars I have done
4. What is capacitor, resistor
5. Asked me about DDR , DSS and another short form. I asked about the full form so he said it’s a type of flipflop. So answered what are flipflops
6. Difference between Electronics and Electrical
7. Mean, Median, Mode
8. What happens when there are more than 2 modes or all freq of data is same(answered there are three types of modes: 1, multiple or no mode)
1. Talked about my profile and said only thing missing is work-ex so any comments on that
2. What is iot
3. Why iot is not used that much even tho it is 5-6 years old
4. Tell me something about budget
5. Asked about crypto in budget(answered about the tax as well as Indian crypto)
6. 3RBI governors(answered only 1, current)
7. 3Woman CM
8. VP

2022 IIM Rohtak

> Introduce yourself (1 min)
> Extempore: Education vs Wisdom
> How do birds fly?
> How does acceleration due to gravity (g) of earth change when you move away from it? How much does it change on the Moon?
> How are birds unaffected when they sit on a cable wire?
> Any Karnataka vs TN issues?
> Where is brindavan garden located?
> Which industrialist died recently?
> Name two singers who died recently.
Thank you, you may leave.
Nothing else was asked.

2022 IIM Rohtak

Extempore : Negative obsession of AI 
Why MBA not MS
CEO of company
cloud and services
types of ML
Neural networks
ML vs DL
Western most state in india and the CM
where is rhotak in india
election  in india
two economic news
UP CM  and his orginal name

2022 IIM Rohtak

Extempore: data threat and privacy concerns
1) Tell me about yourself in 1 minute.
2) Electrical and electronics difference
3) If a refrigerator stops working in my house, who should I call Electrical engineer or Electronics engineer?
4) Role of capacitor in electronic ckts.
5) What do you mean by ambivert? How does it related to you? ( I had mentioned in my form)
6) Draw a graph y=|x-2|

2022 IIM Rohtak

Document verification
Introduce yourself
-Why MBA after CS
-Multiply 39×49
-Education minister of india
-Parameters on which you buy a company’s shares
-languages you know
-how can you manage without Hindi
-translate ‘you are a clever student’ in hindi
-states you’d pass in the route you would take from TN
-Governor of TN
Life is not a bed of roses
Full form of LTTE
Further questions on LTTE
Questions about jallikattu

2022 CAP IIMs

P1 and P2 asked questions in a non sequential way
1) Discussion about my name 
2) follow up question
3) My achievement in engineering 
4) Indepth discussion about my research papers (10 mins) 
5) why MBA 
6) discussion about cricket 
7) female CEOs and CMs
Very chill interview, 18 to 20 mins overall

2022 IIM Bodhgaya

Profile: 10th – 95%, 12th – 92%, UG(Btech Mech. With spl. in Automotive)- 90.8%
Work Ex – 0(fresher)
Panel – M1, F1
1. Tell us something that is not on your resume.
2. What was the last quiz you participated in?
3. Explain the functioning of a suspension system in a car.
4. What is the difference between a strut and a damper?
5. Which among liquid and air dampers is better and why?
6. How would you explain damping to a layman and how would you explain damping to a technically sound person?
7. What is the difference between a disc/drum brake and Antilock Braking System?
1. What extracurricular activities have you been a part of in your college?
2. What is your take on the Russia Ukraine crisis and how will it impact the Indian economy?
3. Who is the president of Ukraine?
4. Who is the governor of RBI?
M again:
1. What all B-school calls do you have and what would your order of preference be. Be honest(gave a smirk that resembled 😏).
2. How did you prepare for this interview?
F again:
1. Tell us about your hobbies. What books do you like to read and tell us something about the latest book you read?
M again:
1. Did you do any research on who your interviewers are going to be or is it news to you too(laughed at the end. I said no sir to which he said he was just kidding)
Good to go.
Length of the interview: ~15-18mins
Overall experience: very friendly and chill session