Interview Experiences
IIFT Interview Experiences
GD was decent. Almost everyone got a chance to speak. Just one guy didn’t speak as much and was asked to summarise the discussion which he did amazingly.
PI was pretty grilling. Started with the question on Computer science engineering. Why are CSE graduates called engineers and not scientists! Rest mostly on IT and technical.
QR code to Bar code, their encoding modes, kanji, TCP/IP protocol, DBMS vs RDBMS, joins, HTTP vs HTTPs and so on. Then a few HR questions about most challenging situation, what did I learn from it and opinion on Bitcoin (because that was the topic for WAT). About company’s business model, their competitors, which vertical contributed maximum, what is healthcare, what sector does CTS belong to and what does it do. This is all I can remember as of now. The interview was for around 15 odd minutes.
WAT topic: One Nation One Election
20 min. 300 words
GD topic: Can MOOC and Virtual Learning Platform Replace Conventional Learning Platforms
– It had three rounds per se
First: Introduction. Individual time 1 min (in order of seating)
Second: Open floor for 10 min
Third: Individual conclusion for 1 min (in opposite order of seating)
PI: was very relaxed. They asked about my work domain and education bridge from college to industry
They point blank asked what are the social and economic topics you know about. They asked to talk about it
They asked my CAT score and if I have got any calls
Asked if it I attempted last year
They asked why International Business and follow up questions
They asked what is Foreign Trade
Overall it was a relaxed interview
Went for 15 -20 min
WAT: Failure: Stepping stones or set backs
GD: Is US losing its power?
Very civil GD, no fish market
1. What does my name mean?
2. Tell me about yourself
3. Why International business
4. Your take on the Make In India and Clean Ganga initiatives
5. Sprichst du Deutsch? (Do you speak german?) Because I had mentioned basic German
6. What do I do in my spare time?
I answered that I play futsal. And then questions related to that.
Very relaxed interview. They didn’t grill me on any topic.
– why mba
– why not MS MD (pg)
– what do you think of yoga
– what’s the industry for generic
– what are branded generics
That’s all
Tell me about your college life.
Final year project.
Difference between stock & share (final year project)
What is stub?
What is boxhead?
What is awesome about you?
Which campus will you choose if given the choice?
1) Ask yourself a question and answer it. ( thought this was the right time to hook then in).
2) what is you elective in UPSC( since I mentioned before)
3) tell something about chola kings.
4) how would you use your history skill to find market in foreign countries.
5)why MBA.
6) Asked about my family business.
7) what is India’s GDP and its effect on import and export.
8) who is our commerce minister?
9) is he doing well. If not what are the suggestions you would give to improve our export.
10) what is current account deficit
11) what is trade deficit.
12) some polity questions related to my UPSC.
gave me some chocolate and and told me to leave.
Extempore 1 – foreign exchange is boon or bane
(I spoke for 1 min only. Then they changed my extempore and told me to speak for 1 more mins)
Extempore 2 -how technology is helping in changing the education system. (I spoke 2 – 3 min on this
then they stopped me)

P1 – 7- 8 mins
Why you want to leave job and do MBA.?
Why you want to join IIFT?
What you will learn in iift and how it will help.?
Why Indians technology sector is growing?
Which country is important for indian IT sector and why?
USA should allow more indian to work there or not ?
More general questions.
P2 – 15 min
Discussion over
Open source programing
Computer networks
Data structures
My work ex related questions
P3 – 1 min
Where you se your self 5 years and 10 years down the line
Gd – does adhaar infringe right to privacy
wat – Evil will triumph when good men do nothing.
pi – 3 panelists
why IT after doing electrical engineering. Grilled on IT work experience. Asked about mepz. Questions related to business work experience. Why mba now and how it will be helpful. interview was around 10 to 12 mins.
WAT Topic : The only thing required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing
GD Topic : Aadhar has infringed right to privacy
PI : Focused only on Acads. Started with why not go for a career in Mechanical Engineering given your undergraduation. Then as I was the last one, asked about the mood of candidates while waiting outside and the feedback given by others about the panel.
Then asked about my placement offer from campus and some details about it.
Then went into acads. Asked 3 questions and told me to explain them.
Finally asked CAT percentile and what all calls I have
WAT and GD topics same as above
PI : Very relaxed
Started off with introduction and the interview mostly revolved around my work experience, challenges faced.
Asked about my CAT and XAT scores and my plan B if nothing works out.
Overall it was a relaxed Interview which lasted for 10 minutes
WAT – Digital Detox – A solution for inner peace
GD – Ease of doing business in India – dream or reality?
PI –
1. Still working?
2. What are your roles and responsibilities
3. What tools do you use?
4. Do you read newspapers
5. What is THE HINDU covering for the last few weeks
6. What is today’s headline
7. What do you think will happen? BJP or Congress (regarding today’s CAG report)
8. A question on decisions I make at work
9. Follow up question on the answer
10. Tell us one practical decision that you will take after MBA
WAT- Overuse of Social Media and Its Negative Consequences
GD- Iran vs Iraq- India’s Economic Dilema
PI- (2 M and 1 F)
1) Tell me something about yourself
2) Is L&T global company
3) As a CEO how will you expand your operations overseas
4) ASEAN Countries
5) What problems you will face in making ASEAN Union just like EU
6) Indian and Japanese Economy Difference
7) What courses you find tough and easy in IIFT
8) NewZealand as a country ( came up as a part of India NewZealand test series)
9) Have you lead a team
10) Disinvestment of PSU
Based on my and cv
Sample ques
What is metallurgy, alloy and composite (core)
What is the significance of knowing languages (languages known in cv)
For non it people working in it, be prepared for switch ques
Lasted approx. 8 mins
3 panelists, all male
One mech core, one it core, one hr
(3Panel memb):
Extempore:Can India become 5 trillion economy by 2024? ( 1min time to think and 3min to speak)
Tell me about Yourself?
Question on my gap year.
Questions related to certification I have done in Supply Chain Logistics
How supply chains are impacted during covid ?
What is the Contribution of Startups to Indian economy?
What is a Dry port? And name some major sea ports in the country.
What are Free trade agreements and how they are beneficial to the countries ?
What is the US China trade war about?
Question on Oxygen shortage issue in the country and how it can be addressed.
Why George Floyd is there in the news recently?
Overall, Panel is friendly and Interview lasted for 15min.
Profile: 9/9/9, Mech Engineer, 17 months exp as software engineer
Ethics is just a business pretence
Explain your job role to a layman
Discussion on my final year project
Impact of dollar value because of russia and Ukraine crisis
Opinion on srilankan crisis
What is smart manufacturing
What is smart about it?
How is it different from traditional manufacturing
What is AI?
How do you use AI in traditional manufacturing?
How different is the data captured in traditional and smart manufacturing
Any projects on AI?
That’s all.